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Oliver Arend



Oliver Arend

Registriert seit: Aug 2000

Wohnort: Great Falls, VA, USA


Beiträge: 8349

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Beitrag 32429 , 'Twas the week of LDRS [Alter Beitrag17. Juli 2003 um 01:13]

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'Twas the week of LDRS, and all through the club
emotions were running high, there sure weren't no hugs
the launch site was laid out with a fence and some rods,
and the pads were arranged in neat little pods

the KLOUDBusters were checking their to-do lists
some were very frustrated, some were shaking their fists
with emotions so high I really thought twice
about kicking back tonight with some whiskey and ice

when all of a sudden there arose such a clatter,
I was just so burned out, it really didn't matter
so off to the e-group I flew like a flash
to post an e-mail, and kick some e-ass

but my files from the last LDRS were all there
in neat little directories because of my care
when what to my wondering eyes should appear
but a note from a friend that I still hold dear

"Chuck I quit" said the note that I was a reading
I can't take this any more my friend was a pleading
No one cares, no one cares, and the stress is too much
The pad signs, the layout, the vendors and such

Now Darren, now Al, now Dennis and Bobby
it's your turn for this, I can't take this hobby
to Argonia you go, and make it real quick
we have a launch system to fix, it's acting quite sick"

I read this note once again and pondered it's meaning
the frustration it held, how far it was leaning
towards a complete meltdown of sorts, and from a good friend
all over rockets I thought, and what was the end

then I saw my response, and read it again
and the words today hold as true as they did then
"Remember, my friend, that this should be fun
and it will be once again, once the flying has begun"

for come this Thursday this is just one more launch
the rockets we'll rack, the button we'll punch
and up into the Argonia sky these rockets will soar
and why we do all this we will realize once more

so let me close this poem, this trite little rhyme
by saying one thing that has stood the test of time
We do this for the fliers, and each other we don't strafe
the purpose of all this is to "Fly 'em high and safe"

Chuck Mies
KLOUDBusters, Inc.



Registriert seit: Okt 2002

Wohnort: Göttingen


Beiträge: 907

Status: Offline

Beitrag 32442 [Alter Beitrag17. Juli 2003 um 11:58]

[Melden] Profil von Hermann anzeigen    Hermann eine private Nachricht schicken   Besuche Hermann's Homepage    Mehr Beiträge von Hermann finden

Hi Oliver

kannst du das mal ins Deutsch übersetzen wink confused

Gruß: Hermann

Ps: hast die Fotos bekommen ?

Risiko ist die Bugwelle des Erfolgs.

(Carl Amery)

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